Lucie Roulland
Lucie started her legal career at Inochina Legal, a boutique law firm of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, where she advised on contract, estate law, M&A in cases submitted to different states’ jurisdictions. She was then recruited by Amaris, a French consulting company as their in-house lawyer in charge of corporate matters. In this position involving international jurisdictions, she assisted on topics ranging from legal entity creation to legal compliance and IP law. Lucie started her legal studies at City of Bristol College, before enrolling in the Essex and Toulouse Universities’ English Law and French Law Double degree where she obtained an LLB and a Masters degree. In Ho Chi Minh City Lucie practiced law covering several different Asian legal systems, specializing in Vietnamese contract and corporate law. Lucie graduated from Université de Lyon III and Ho Chi Minh City University with a Masters in International and Comparative Business Law.
Hô Chi Minh City University , 2016, International Contracts Law Master
Université Lyon III Jean Moulin, 2016, Comparative and International Business Law
Université de Toulouse 1 Capitole, 2015, International Law and Economics Master
University of Essex, 2013, LL.B and Master in Law
City of Bristol College, 2011 Certificate in Law and Practice
English, French, German, Romanian, Vietnamese